Stay Positive

"In the midst of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."

- Alert Camus

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Get fit, not fat

When You're 50 Something and Above
The big question lurks – how healthy do you want to be in your 50s and beyond?
There are some who are still competing in the City2Surf and marathons at a professional pace and my own mother, who is 68 years old, still does 150+ push ups every single day of the year. The lesson here is that you are never too old to stay in shape.

My advice: Functional movements like squats and planks to develop core strength will become more important than ever, and strength training will combat muscle atrophy. If you're just starting a fitness plan, look into lower impact movements to begin with to protect your joints. Staying flexible with stretching and/or yoga is vital during these years.

I've been fat, I've been fit, and I've been somewhere in the middle. And what I've learned is that being healthy and respecting your body is a challenging but fun journey. And it's the only journey. The easy road? The easy road is laziness. But that easy road is full of pot holes and steep cliff faces better known as diabetes, heart disease, and other self-inflicted ailments.

I've learned that I have a lot more to learn. But no matter what, I need a healthy body and a clear head to live the life I want into my 50s, 60s and beyond.

Get fit, not fat

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