Stay Positive

"In the midst of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."

- Alert Camus

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Oz: Why I follow a vegetarian diet - National Celebrity Fitness and Health |

Surgeon and TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz has been a vegetarian for many years, saying eating whole, real plant foods gives him the energy to keep up with his hectic lifestyle.

Dr. Oz, 52, converted to a mostly-vegetarian diet because of his wife Lisa, who has been a vegetarian since age 15. While Oz occasionally eats fish and meat, he extols the health benefits of vegetarianism.
Recently, Oz challenged his viewers to follow a vegan diet for 28 days to see for themselves how eating healthier foods can dramatically improve their health.

“If you’re a meat-and-potatoes kind of person who also has problems with portion sizes, than chances are you’re getting more fat and protein in your diet than your body needs," says Oz, who exercises an hour daily, combining a 4-mile run with 10 minutes of yoga.

"Take this 28-day challenge to go vegan and do something that’s good for your cholesterol level, your overall health – and the environment (since you’ll be creating less animal waste)."

While Oz and his family aren't vegan, they try to follow a vegan eating plan as much as possible.

“The foods that we eat right now tend to be foods that come out of the ground looking just the way they look when I eat them," he says. "They’re unadulterated, they’re real foods. I try to eat them raw if I can. Figure out what gives you energy and what saps your energy.”


Dr. Oz: Why I follow a vegetarian diet - National Celebrity Fitness and Health |

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